Sunday, July 6, 2014

"Because he has set his love on Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high because he has known My name." Psalm 91:14

        This verse isn't simply talking about actually knowing God's name. The Hebrew translation for the word "known" is usually used in the context of how one would know a familiar friend or kinsman. This verse speaks of an intimacy with God that doesn't come from only knowing His name. God has many names in the Bible: Jehova Rapha, Jehova Shalom, Jehova Nissi, YHWH, Elyon; and each name embodies a different aspect of God's character: Healerer, Peace, Banner over my head, Lord of all. We all know different aspects of God better. One who has has a lot of illnesses knows God better as the Healer than one who is as healthy as a horse. The point is not about which aspect of God you know better, the point is that you need to continue to know more of the names of God. 
          Names are pregnant with purpose and meaning. In Bible times, parents would wait 8 days after a baby was born, watching it's personality and tendencies, and praying and fasting, before finally choosing a name. Once you knew a person's name, you knew who they were. Names today don't seem to carry quite as much conscious meaning, but the power behind them is still there. If you haven't yet, I would encourage you to find out what your own name means, I promise it will stick with you. My own name: Monica means Wise Counselor or Advisor, and it has suited me more than I ever thought it would.
         All of God's names make up His character, and the more you know of who God is, the deeper your relationship becomes with Him. In every situation in life, every new season, I make a point to ask God which part of Himself He is showing to me in a new way this season. Which name will I know more deeply after this? For much of my life I have know God as Advocate, Lover, and Faithful One. The name I pray continuously to understand Him better as is Creator.
           So I ask you, do you know God's name?

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