Tuesday, October 9, 2012


One year ago, I walked into the high school ministry building with energy and an excited heart. My expectations were high considering the high school group I went to at City of Grace was outstandingly powerful. My expectations were crushed however. The high school students were closed off, complacent, and just plain apathetic. I still made worship a time between God and I  and no one else, but it seemed like every week I got the same dull vibe.
                The students did not want to be there. They would rather be on their phones than in those purple chairs. The worship leaders were not passionate at all. The pastor was gifted but his messages were shallow and repetitive. He was trying to spark us as students to become fired up for the LORD. All of it just seemed like we were going through the motions.  Sadly I finally confessed to my friend and to my family “There is no way this youth group can change. There is no hope.”  However…God proved me wrong. Very VERY WRONG.
                God always works in mysterious ways. He works in the moments of uncertainty and when we label situations as impossible. This is true because if it seems as if it could NEVER be accomplished by our will, it could only be A WORK OF GOD. I was truly as God showed His full power over the next year. As I sit writing this, I am still awed by the change in my youth group. It is not a small change either. Our youth group went from just over 50 students to 258 students over the past month. Most of the 258 students either accepted Christ or recommitted their life back to Christ.
                But despite the numbers, the hearts and the atmosphere of that youth group changed. A miracle I call it. A revival as God calls it. Either way I learned that NOTHING is impossible when God is on your side. No matter how impossible the situation may seem, the LORD is a powerful God. He stops at nothing to show us that He is not far but in fact is always with us.
                So I’m choosing to give up my doubt. I may not know where I’m going or even how I’m going to get there but what I do know is I place my full trust in the God of the Universe. I hope you never give up on a dream the LORD may place in your heart. It may be crazy in your eyes but watch and see that the LORD IS GOOD.
                For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37